Dentists’ Zone – Referrals

Referring Dentist

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Date Of Birth *

This form collects your referring patient's details including name, Date of Birth, phone number, email address, postal address, confidential dental / medical history, clinical notes and a copy of the image file uploads that you send to us. You can view our privacy policy here and legal disclaimer here on how we store any submitted personal data at Dental Care @ 62. 

Dental Care @ 62 is delighted to accept referrals from both NHS and private practices for a range of dental treatments. At Dental Care @ 62 we aim to achieve aesthetic and oral well-being that patients desire through technical excellence and superior skills, while respecting their time, comfort and peace of mind. Our dental team is well experienced and trained. We offer a wide range of services including endodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry, facial cosmetics, hygiene and preventive dentistry. We respect our patient’s concerns and ensure every effort is taken to offer top quality services. We successfully deal with anxious patients with our midas touch and reassure that they are in safe hands.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr Arshad Siddiqui qualified as a Dentist in 2001. He progressed to do Masters in Oral Surgery in Glasgow in 2004. In the same year he also qualified and passed MFDS exam by Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow. He worked as a Senior House Officer in Oral & Maxillofacial Unit for 3 years. Following this he went ahead and completed his Degree in Medicine in Aberdeen. This was followed by Medical Foundation Training, Core Surgical Training and Specialist Training in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. He is currently employed as Consultant Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon / Head & Neck Surgeon in NHS. His area of interest is head & Neck Cancer. With his extensive experience at hand, we are able to provide all oral surgical procedures including surgical extractions, wisdom teeth, impacted teeth, apicectomies, TMJ. We are confident that patients would appreciate Mr Siddiqui’s gentle mannerism and focused care.

Veenu Singla is phenomenal, qualified, hardworking, honest and highly reputed dentist. He is caring, ethical, highly experienced and thoroughly educated Dentist with Special Interests in Endodontics. He completed his Post Graduation (Masters in Endodontics) from the University of Manchester in 2006. Following that he started his dental career at prestigious Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 2007, where he had the privilege to get his dental skills trained at the Maxillofacial Unit and Restorative Dentistry. He advanced his dental skills in Restorative dentistry and Maxillofacial Unit. He has also served as a VT Trainer and is renowned for his reputation. Veenu has settled in very well in Manchester and the patients are thoroughly enjoying high standard of care under his care. He accepts referrals for Endodontic procedures from the fellow dentists.

We aim to share our clinical expertise using the latest techniques, equipment and knowledge to provide you with the highest quality of care. Our dentists are reputed and known for managing anxious patients as we believe in delivering pain free dentistry.

If you are a dentist looking to refer a patient with particular issues that you think we can help with, please complete the form on this page. Please contact our referral liaison via or call 0161 221 0062.

What our patients said
